Mars was in the hands of the participants in the rally whistle. Red-green-blue bamsite rollicking Ramna Park, Fine Arts, and the New Year held at TSC. Photo: First Light Someone says' bhubhujela ', some' plastic flute; To one of the "China bombs ', some say' clarinet

Breaking News

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The White House did not have electricityOnline Desk | Updated: 1245, April 08, 015
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US capital, Washington, DC, on Tuesday, power failures occurred several times. The White House, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Justice Office and the number of government buildings were outage. A Reuters report said Wednesday.
Lacking the power to cancel the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a regular news briefing. According to the announcement from the Ministry of power supply lines, and around the main building of the Ministry of crash energy goes to other buildings.
Said an employee of the Congress, the generator is running in the Capitol Complex.
Urban transport authorities in Washington and several subway stations to keep the light out through the emergency situation.
However, White House spokesman Josh gulabisera said Washington could not be removed from a major power crisis President Complex. Now the White House is to connect the power.


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