Mars was in the hands of the participants in the rally whistle. Red-green-blue bamsite rollicking Ramna Park, Fine Arts, and the New Year held at TSC. Photo: First Light Someone says' bhubhujela ', some' plastic flute; To one of the "China bombs ', some say' clarinet

Breaking News

Saturday, April 11, 2015

India to buy 36 aircraft from France Rafael

2015 April 11, Saturday, 06:48

Buying from France to buy 36 fighter jets to India Rafael. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday announced.
Friday in Paris with French President Francois Hollande, Modi told a joint news conference, 'I have to ask the president to deliver quickly to our 36 Rafael jet.'He's involved with the 'War with France, has always been the case in India sarabarahaka faithful.'
She is hoping to reach an agreement regarding the terms and conditions of the two countries, officials quickly.Today, in addition to deals between Rafael has signed 17 agreements. Consisting of an agreement on nuclear power and culture.
Jayitapura nuclear reactor project in the presence of state of the two countries signed the agreement on Friday.- See more at:


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